Demand side of Governance (Transparency and Accountability): This aims at ensuring that there is transparency and accountability in decision-making, resource allocation and utilization within the political arena, Government machinery and in local and traditional decision-making structures.
Peaceful co-existence and social cohesion: This aims at addressing the existence of violence, conflicts and tension as a result of differences in political views and inclinations, intercultural and religious intolerance among Sierra Leoneans. This objective also covers areas of conflicts related to complaints on service delivery, public governance, natural resource accessibility, utilization and management, among others.
Participation in Public Life: This aims at mobilizing Sierra Leoneans to engage in decision and policy-making processes both at national, district and community levels. It shall ensure that all citizens (men, women, and youth) take an active role in developing the policies and shaping the decisions that affect them, and develop the desire to shape and influence policies and decisions.
Electoral Processes and Voter Education: This aims at promoting the engagement of Sierra Leoneans in the electoral process throughout the electoral cycle. It further aims at enhancing people as well as political parties’ understanding of the elections as a process as opposed to an event.
Cross Cutting Issues: This aims at addressing cross-cutting issues in its programming. It shall aim at mainstreaming HIV and AIDS, COVID-19, gender, disability and environmental issues in all activities at planning, implementation and review stages of its programmes.
Knowledge Management, Collaboration and Networking: This objective shall focus on undertaking action research, documentation and sharing best practices in the area of democratic governance through dissemination of information to MPPA’s resource centers and public libraries, media, exchange of information and experience with like-minded organizations.
Institutional Development: This shall focus on the internal capacity of MPPA to improve its human resource management, financial systems, institutional capacity, governance and management structures, and decision-making structures. It shall aim at developing an environment conducive for the development and retention of its human resource, confidence and trust of various partners on the systems and structures of the initiative.